
Unusual Signs that Can Identify High Intelligence In A Person

It can be tricky, borderline impossible, to identify if someone has a high IQ just by speaking to them. However, there are some high intelligence signs you can look for.

From heavy amounts of empathy and anxiety to having an organized room and… owning a cat (yes, really), these high intelligence signs can be an easy way to figure out of the person you’re in conversation with has scored high on IQ tests and/or other exams that are designed to measure levels of intelligence.

These high intelligence signs may seem strange to some, but they can be invaluable in attempting to spot the smarts among us.

They've Taken Music Lessons

It is widely acknowledged that children who receive music lessons at an early age, particularly between the ages of four and six years old, tend to exhibit higher IQ levels later in life. It is believed that this correlation is due to the correlation between learning an instrument and the ability to interpret and analyze data and situations.

Eldest Siblings

It is believed that older siblings tend to have higher IQ scores compared to their younger siblings. This may be due to the fact that they often receive more attention from parents and other adults, and also because they interact with their younger siblings from a later stage in their development. This can lead to a greater level of cognitive development and higher intelligence.

They're in Better Shape

It is believed that there is a correlation between being in shape and higher intelligence, which is attributed to financial factors. The theory suggests that higher intelligence leads to better financial opportunities, which in turn allows individuals to afford healthy food, gym memberships, and access to healthcare. This can contribute to overall physical health and well-being, which can be associated with higher intelligence.

They're Cat Owners

It is believed that cat owners tend to have higher levels of cognitive abilities compared to dog owners. This may be due to the fact that cats are known for their independent and aloof nature, which can lead to a higher level of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Dog owners, on the other hand, tend to be more outgoing and introverted, which can contribute to a higher level of social interaction and communication skills.

They've Experimented With Drugs

Shockingly, this is accurate. According to a 2012 study:
In our large population-based cohort study, we found that a high IQ at the age of 11 was associated with a greater likelihood of using selected illegal drugs 31 years later. This suggests that a high childhood IQ may lead to the adoption of behaviors that are potentially harmful to health in adulthood.
So in other words Keith Richards (pictured) must be a super genius?

They're Left Handed

That’s right lefties, you’re in luck. According to a 1995 study, “Researchers found that the more marked the left-handed preference in a group of males, the better they were at tests of divergent thought.”

They're Tall

This one seems to be a bit tenuous, but according to some researchers, tall children who grew into tall adults commonly perform better on cognitive tests.

They Ask the Big Questions

A quick way to potentially gauge someone’s intelligence is to see how often they discuss the existential questions of the universe, such as “What’s the meaning of life?”, “Does God exist?”, “What happens after we die?”, and etc.

They Drink Alcohol

This one just seems a tad unbelievable, but according to “evolutionary psychologist” Satoshi Kanazawa, British and American adults with high IQs as children or teens “drank more alcohol when they grew up.”

They Began Reading Earlier

The more a child begins reading, the more likely they are to score highly on intelligence tests later in life. This has been supported by a 2012 study on identical twins, which found that the twins who learned to read earlier tended to perform better in tests of cognitive ability, both in terms of verbal and nonverbal skills.